I first developed the idea of my bespoke Create Your Signature Look program as one that would take place in-person only. In typical Natalie fashion, while attending a networking/co-working event in the Netherlands, I mentioned that I was in the developing phases of CYSL and explained how it would work (which you can find here). I wanted to get a feel for whether or not this is a service anyone would be interested in or not. During the next coffee break, several attendees approached me wanting to know and learn more. Specifically, they wanted to know whether I would consider offering this service virtually! I was taken aback because I only ever envisioned it as an in-person service! Would it even work virtually? Ahh!
So I stalled. Several of the initial queries dropped off (thank goodness, I thought to myself) but one query didn’t. Lara’s query. Lara is an Empowerment Coach, Founder and Owner of Flourish and she radiates such positivity and kindness, I simply couldn’t brush her off and hope she’d forget about the Create Your Signature Look service altogether. Nope. Not this girl.
So I did what any hard-working business owner did. I rolled up my sleeves and developed a virtual option for entrepreneurs who couldn’t meet me in person. I did this because I believe everyone deserves to look and feel their best.
Lara went through the program and on my end, everything went much better than expected. I was feeling a little silly for how nervous I was in the beginning. However, the experience isn’t about me, and I wanted to know how Lara felt going through the new virtual CYSL program. So, after her “graduation” I reached out to her to collect some feedback. I was. blown. away.
I thought you might want to read it for yourself. These are her responses, in her own words.
A: The only way I can describe the CYSL program it that it is LIFE TRANSFORMING! With your help, I have been able to see the beauty of each of my features, and leave behind the shame I felt about the certain traits that I had convinced myself were unflattering or downright ugly. I have come to love makeup and all the possibilities that it gives me to shine, and I also have come to love myself more, and understand that my most gorgeous self has nothing to do with what I put on my face.
The signature look I have chosen for myself makes me feel radiant, confident and wiling to take that extra step. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to show my true self and reuniting me with the phenomenal woman that I am.
Photo credit: @julianamalta
A: CYSL has helped me become more confident in my business. This program has helped me reach out to new contacts, jump on the possibility to spontaneously pitch my business and feel I can show up being myself to meetings and clients session. CYSL taken a weight off my shoulders where I don’t have to worry how I look anymore because I know I look amazing. This program has really has made me a more empowered professional and I would recommend it to everyone.
A: Create Your Signature Look has impacted my confidence greatly. I’ve always felt a disconnect between how I felt inside and how I was showing up in the world. I finally feel that people see my true, beautiful self. I’m happy to show up networking and business related events because I know I look my best. I feel GREAT and with this confidence I feel I am doing so much more for myself and for my business.
A: CYSL has exceeded my expectations. I was expecting a program where I would get a few tips on what colors and shades where best for me, but that hasn’t been even a small percentage of what CYSL has done for me. This program has transformed the way I view myself and also the way I view makeup. I feel that I have gained a magnificent tool that gives me an advantage in my business and also has transformed my confidence. I feel more empowered now than I did before I went through this program.
A: I have four:
1. I understood that makeup is an amazing tool that I can use to enhance my look, but it is not necessarily something I am obligated to use.
2. I understood that there is a tremendous amount you can do with makeup and that I can choose to create a nuanced look for my self or a more powerful look if I wish. I am the one who decides who to use this tool and I can have a whole bunch of fun with it too!
3. Tools, tools and tools! I love this idea that it really doesn’t have so much to do with the makeup I choose but with the brushes and other tools I choose. I never ever thought of makeup in terms of how I was applying it, and this has really been an eye opener for me.
4. I have to add that you, Natalie, are the perfect person to give this service. You are so kind, understanding and you make me feel okay being vulnerable. I feel comfortable sharing my good and bad feelings about my looks. You are definitely my makeup FAIRY GODMOTHER. I have loved going through this program because of how you have made me feel.
So there you have it! When you put your heart out there for the world with the intention of empowering others with knowledge and life skills, the rewards are incredible! I am so humbled by Lara’s words and grateful for her time in providing this amazing feedback.
In addition to sending these thoughtful words my way, she also agreed to sit down and have a one-on-one chat about her experience for my Anchor channel. Stay tuned for a link to that when it comes out! Thank you, Lara!
If you are interested in participating or learning more about this amazing, life-changing service I offer, please visit my CYSL page and fill out my contact form. I cannot wait to be your makeup fairy godmother, too.
Until next time!
Beauty is about perception, not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on make-up, or dress yourself, or do you hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction.
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