This post was originally published on February 11, 2021. It was maintained on April 17, 2024.
This post is/was not endorsed or sponsored by Beautylish and/or any brands mentioned here and was written by a dear friend and makeup enthusiast Alexanna.
To learn more about beauty boxes, how the business model works, and what to expect from them, check out this post called the Beauty Box Dilemma.
See Alexanna’s other write-ups:
Beautylish Unboxing 2018 | Beautylish Unboxing 2020
Hi, I’m Alexanna, one of Natalie’s longest real life BFFs. I pop up on her blog every now and again for some product reviews and makeup chat. ICYMI, I did a similar post about the 2020 Beautylish Lucky Bag which you can check out here. But I am super excited to share my unboxing with you, so let’s get into it, shall we?
Whelp, another year has come and gone (good riddance 2020!) and alas, I ordered another year’s Lucky Bag.
Every year, I buy this mystery bag with no expectations, wishes or desires. The purpose of this Lucky Bag is to be surprised by the items you receive. If you end up feeling ‘disappointed’ after purchasing one of these bags, then you’re buying it for the wrong reasons, and you should sit the next year out. I will say (as I have before) that I do own a lot of makeup, but not NEARLY enough makeup or skincare that I would ever feel like this bag is duplicating what I already own.
Each year I receive items that I love, and some that I don’t. It’s just how things go.
The Beautylish Lucky Bag is an annual event put on by the website each year; bags go on sale every December 26th. Each year two bags go on sale, the regular bag ($75 + shipping) and the XL bag ($150 + shipping), each guaranteeing at least double the amount of product of what you paid (so my bag should contain $150+ of product). I always purchase the regular bag, but I’m considering saving up to purchase the XL bag next time!
I’m an irregular customer to Beautylish, but I am in their system to where I receive the ‘early access’ email to purchase a bag. I’ve always signed on right when the bags go on sale, and I’ve never missed out. But I do hear that bags to sell out quickly if you are not on the early access list…so it might benefit you to buys something off the website so you do get notified come December 2021.
Spoiler alert: This is by far my ‘luckiest’ bag in the sense that all the products I received I’m genuinely excited and happy to own. I’m going to list what I got in no particular order of excitement 😊
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Initial Thoughts: You can bet your bottom that I was shocked and excited to get this in my bag. Though the color story wouldn’t be my initial choice for everyday wear, I do love the smokey vibes this quad gives. I’ve never used anything by Tom Ford (das esspensive!) so I’m intrigued to see what the hype is all about and why his brand is so dang pricey.
It’s interesting to note that this particular quad is not sold on Beautylish currently, which leads me to believe this is older stock that maybe they were getting rid of?
Regardless, I’m pleased to have this overpriced eyeshadow palette 😊
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Initial Thoughts: You can always bet that something from Beautylish’s house brand will be included, and this year’s bag is no exception. Like The Ordinary, Good Molecules is an affordable skin care brand that offers good quality products at low prices (when compared to other skincare brands).
It’s my understanding that Good Molecules uses basic, good ingredients without ‘fillers’. You should just be getting the best bang for your buck with Good Molecules.
I’ve used this particular powder exfoliant (wet your hands, pour a small amount of the powder into your palms and voila! a lovely, frothy face scrub/wash) a couple times and so far, I really do like it.
I’m not super knowledgeable about skincare ingredients and cocktails, but this seems to be super gentle on my skin and it performs just how it says it should.
Also, a little bit of the powder goes a long way, so I imagine this will last me a good amount of time.
If you don’t know your skin type, grab Natalie’s free Skin Type Guide to help you determine your skin type — purely educational in nature.
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Initial Thoughts: I am ALWAYS, ALWAYS happy to receive a Wayne Goss brush in my bag. I don’t think I’d ever purchase his brushes myself, so I’m always excited if I get these in my bag.
Wayne Goss’s brushes are handmade in Japan and worth every penny as far as I’m concerned. In past years, I’ve received 2 of his other brushes, and I use them very frequently. I’d highly recommend his brushes for those of you who are looking for good, solid quality tools (you in fact get what you pay for with this brand).
Check out this post all about makeup brushes >
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Initial Thoughts: So, of all the products I received, this one brings me the least amount of excitement. I do love a good lipstick but right now, the last thing I need is another lipstick…in quarantine…under a mask that no one will see. I haven’t used this yet nor have I even swatched it but I do think I’ll get some use out of this this Summer so all in all, I am happy to have it.
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Initial Thoughts: Natalie has RAVED about Danessa’s brand for years and this past Black Friday I was so close to purchasing a few of her products out of sheer intrigue and curiosity.
When Natalie went to IMATS in London a few years back, she bought me one of Danessa’s Colorfix products that I absolutely adore. I am elated to have this!
Not only does Danessa’s brand appeal to me (independent brand, woman owned, black owned), but this product, though unassuming and ‘boring’ is anything but.
This ‘balm’ puts a subtle, ethereal glow on the face that I think is stunning. I’ve only worn this once but I can already tell this will be a staple in my makeup routine. I do plan on buying more from this brand in 2021 because her products are just exciting.
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Initial Thoughts: Initially I didn’t know if I would use this or find it useful at all. But, I’ve managed to store all of my ‘extras’ in this bag (extra single shadows, brushes, lip color, tools, etc.) which has consolidated my makeup storage considerably.
This bag holds A LOT and for that I’m very happy to have this. This product isn’t super unique or revolutionary by an means. But it is affordable and so far, I’m really enjoying it.
Hands down, the Beautylish Lucky Bag 2021 is my most favorite and luckiest bag to date! The six products totaled up equal a value of $184 which I think is pretty cool. Every year the Lucky Bag is in my budget, and I’m happy to spend my money on the mystery! 😊
Beauty is about perception, not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on make-up, or dress yourself, or do you hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction.
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