2015 was an awesome year for Setareh Beauty. For starters, it was my inaugural year! From doing makeup and hair for gorgeous beach weddings, to high-brow military balls, from personalized makeup lessons to makeup bag ransacks…and much, much more, Setareh Beauty accomplished a lot in 2015.
Beautiful Carmel-By-The-Sea Wedding
Fun anniversary makeup
Whole30 Healthy Mama Happy Baby Film Beauty
Feast of Lanterns Fashion Show
Family Photoshoot in Monterey
Beach Carmel Wedding
I also completed an extensive blog series on the perfect beauty box subscription service where I unboxed and reviewed countless beauty boxes in order to provide my clients and friends the perfect recommendation. It was so popular, heck! There may be a part two… Let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in the comments below or shoot me an email.
Sadly, Setareh Beauty moved from the beautiful, rocky coast of Monterey, California to the sweet-tea drinking, golfing capital city of Augusta, Georgia. Having spent much of my growing up life up in the suburbs of Houston, and a grandmother born in Alabama, I understand the South…and the premium southern belles place on beauty. I know because I was one of them! My Oma always taught me how important appearances are in the grand scheme of life and that taking those extra few minutes to put yourself together, will help in all aspects of your life {So true} Now, I’m not saying I was a subscriber to the minimum one hour hair + makeup regimen everyday before school but I didn’t leave the house without some mascara and blush. And yes, sometimes I did take an hour plus to get ready because I felt like it.
I clearly remember saving my tip money from hostessing at Bennigan’s in order to get my hair and makeup for prom done at a local high-end salon was non-negotiable. Now, I’m rambling!
What I’m trying to say is that I’m excited to serve a community that grew me into the woman I am. A community that places value on brains & beauty!
Nonetheless, Setareh Beauty has a lot of exciting projects down the chute for 2016. Make sure to subscribe to my site for regular updates (expect a handful of emails per year! I’m a one-woman show!). A preview of what’s in store for you are:
“Beauty From the Inside Out” A New Year, New You Challenge
New years resolutions always seem to be focused on weight-loss, diets, and/or fads that are hard to keep. Setareh Beauty alongside Dr. Maral, HBSc, ND have come together on a monthly, international challenge that focuses on healthy habits that transform you from the inside out. Each week, there will be a new challenge and you’ll build upon that task each week throughout the entire month. By the end of the month, your skin will be glowing, hair shining, and confidence blazing. Trust us. Beauty always starts on the inside, works its way to the outside. This will be advertised on our Facebook and Instagram pages!
More to come!
So Many Products, So Little Time. What’s a Busy Gal To Do?
If you are anything like me, you’ve likely acquired some new beauty products over the holiday season. Gifts to or from yours truly, you may have snagged a limited edition holiday palette or picked up a new eyebrow pencil you have no clue to use. Or maybe you received a beauty box subscription service and you need help filling out your beauty profile! Whether you are a beauty maven or a beauty clueless, I’m here to help. Being a professional makeup artist and a personal beauty product addict, I have spent a lifetime acquiring tidbits, advice, testing products, spending my own, hard-earned money to curb my addiction.
If you have a question, I’ve made it super simple ask me! I will publish my answer/advice/recommendation/opinion to your question(s) on my blog. Heck! I might even make a video on it if necessary. Don’t worry, you can remain anonymous if you wish! With “Ask Setareh,” I hope to create a forum of Q&A that can serve all the busy gals’ (and guys) beauty needs. If I do not know the answer, I will find someone or a source that does!
The Quest for the Perfect Mascara…
Is there such a thing? Setareh Beauty seeks to find the answer. The perfect mascara for me is one that meets the following criteria:
– Lengthens and thickens my lashes with one to two coats aka a quick application
– Lasts all day because who has time to reapply mascara throughout the day? I don’t.
– Washes off easily without makeup remover. Ok, this automatically eliminates waterproof mascara from the list – totally fine for me.
– Does not irritate my eyes/contacts because rubbing eyes = more wrinkles and I don’t need anymore wrinkles
If that is in line with what you would deem as the perfect mascara, I encourage you to subscribe to my site or any of my social media sites, where I’ll post my updates along the way. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this!
I hope that you had a wonderful and memorable 2015. If you didn’t, that’s okay too. Some years are better than others. One of my favorite bible passages comes from the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3 versus 1-8 , which begins with “To everything, there is a season and a time for to every purpose under Heaven…”
Have a beautiful, safe, and memorable New Year’s Eve!!
Stay Beautiful.
Beauty is about perception, not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on make-up, or dress yourself, or do you hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction.
kevyn aucoin