If you aren’t familiar with Stitch Fix, it’s a fashion box subscription service. You fill out your style profile (and provide them any social media you want, to include a Pinterest page, here’s mine), pay a $20 stylist fee per “fix” you schedule, and receive a “fix” full of 5 items personally picked by your stylist. StitchFix Maternity is exactly the same, but just with maternity items.
So I’m not in the fashion biz… I’m a makeup artist, preggo with #2 on the way, and just unable to find time in my schedule to shop. What I wear is important to me and I am at a stage in life where I prefer high-quality, durable, and versatile pieces of clothing… no mom jeans for me (do yoga pants count?). I am willing to spend more on high-quality pieces. Since you can put all of your material preferences and types of clothing items you are looking for in your own style profile, I said heck! Let’s do this!
I decided to give StitchFix three (3) tries to see if it was worth it. Worse case scenario, I’d be out $60. Best-case scenario, I’d get some new pieces and not have to leave my house. I was secretly rooting that I’d love my fixes because it would help alleviate my maternity clothing dilemma.
So if you haven’t seen the StitchFix Maternity videos on my channel, check them out… in order. I’ve included them here in my post for you. But this, my friends is the narrative, wordy, explanatory addendum to the visual videos. Since after all, I am a chatty Kathy.
Fix #1: The “Tinder” First Date
Ok, I did NOT take pics of this fix or record a reveal video. I felt like this was StitchFix’s opportunity to test the waters. I’m going from memory here (ahhhh) it’s already been three months but they matched me with five clothing items.
Item 1: MaviSonja Maternity Boyfriend Jean – Returned.
I’m a jean snob. I will either spend a lot on jeans or get a pair of jeans on sale at the Gap. I don’t really do “in-between brands.” Mavi, to me, is an in between brand. So I immediately knew I wasn’t going to like them (I know, I’m terrible). But what I especially didn’t like about the jeans was the fact that they were the low-waist elastic band. They added more lines to my waistline than any pregnant lady ever needs to see. I believe they retailed for $98. No thanks.

Item 2: Loveapella Maternity Greta Maternity Dress – Winner. Kind of.
See, I had asked specifically for dresses (or outfits) that can go from day-to-night. This dress was definitely more of an occasion dress (think brunch, date-night, networking meeting, etc.). I did not keep the dress because it was necessarily what I asked for. I kept the dress because it was a gorgeous royal blue color (see pics), looked great on, was lined, and I mostly because I didn’t want to lose my $20 stylist fee. (This is an unfortunate reason why so many gals keep at least one item from their fixes…). See my car selfie 🙂 Sorry, not the best pic but it’s the only one I have so far. I have received a bunch of compliments on the two occasions I wore it. (I’m wearing the Stella & Dot Kaia Pendant Necklace, linked here).
Items 3-5: Forgettable 3x quarter length shirts.
- Market & Spruce Careen V-Neck Dolman Knit Top
- Loveapella Ginger Quilted Shoulder Knit Top
- Loveappella Paulo 3/4 Sleeve Lace Detail Knit Top
Returned all 3.
All polyester. The shirts were all somewhat cute in concept but terrible in execution. The primary material of all the shirts was polyester – a material I specifically said I do not want in my fixes. I don’t like polyester because polyester does not look good on me, it doesn’t work with my figure, it’s not comfortable, and it is clingy in all the wrong places. I also refuse to pay $ for polyester. It’s one of those materials that creep into labels that want to cut costs.
Fix #2: The “Awkward” Second Date
Ok, so if you watched my video, I’m sure you clearly saw my frustration with my matches. Some of you mentioned liking the items in my fix. That’s awesome. For you. However, I was very specific in not wanting jeans and also not wanting polyester.
Item 1: Mavi Jeans
So you can watch my video for the exact run down but basically they sent me {another pair of} Mavi Jeans. Fail. They obviously didn’t get the memo. I was extremely specific in indicating I’d prefer leggings or maxi skirts. While these Mavi jeans did have the full maternity band…I was still not willing to pay $98 for them.
Just so you know, I own two (2) pairs of maternity jeans. I splurged on a pair of AG jeans for my first pregnancy and scored my second pair (for this pregnancy) at the Gap on sale with an additional 40% off. Since I’m preggo in GA, during the summer – I don’t need any more jeans.
Item 2: No Name Brand Jewelry Piece
They sent me a piece of jewelry that was laughable. I mean, from afar – the necklace was super cute. There’s no knocking the design. And I LOVE me some costume jewelry! But this necklace…this necklace felt SO cheap (even for cheap costume jewelry) that I couldn’t justify paying the ~$20/30 for it (can’t remember). Wal-Mart junior section has better quality pieces. Tragic.
Item 3: Loveappella Fuchsia Blouse
The one top I kept (the fuchsia one) has grown on me and I do receive compliments on it when I wear it. I wore it in my latest BeautyDNA unboxing video and to our recent Tuesdays Together meeting (with Rising Tide Society) and some of the gals recognized it from my unboxing video. Because it’s such a bold color (which I like), I can’t really wear it regularly because it’s so recognizable – I know, I know, I’m old school. It’ll be a great post-partum top too. To be 100% honest, I only kept it as to not lose my stylist fee. Now, I’m glad I kept it for more than that reason.
Item 4: Denim jacket
I swear I got the most flack about my criticism on the jacket. Let me explain.
- 1) It wasn’t a flowy layering piece, like I had specifically asked for. Nuff said. It also wasn’t a pretty, light denim color. It was pretty indigo.
- 2) It’s balls hot here in Georgia. Who in the heck is going to wear a denim jacket during the summer pregnant? Not me.
- 3) It doesn’t go with my style at. all. Take a look at my Pinterest dedicated StitchFix page here – does it look like it screams “pair her with a denim jacket?” No.
- 4) I have a long torso. A mid-length jacket (not a cropped jacked or long jacket) is just not cute on me, especially because I carry my weight in my hips/legs (as indicated in my style profile). A really good stylist would know this…and I’m not saying that particular stylist was bad – but maybe she was a newb.
Item 5: The Maxi Dress
Ok ok, the colors were pretty. I never denied that. But hello – this is where I feel like the stylist was a newb because my shape/figure (as indicated in my style profile) would never, ever point to anything with an empire waist. I am small chested, have a long, flat torso (well, except for now for obvious reasons), and well…some junk in the trunk. I was also a competitive ice skater in my formative years and my thighs were built for that sport. Empire waist anything, without fail, looks awful on me. I can never fill out the boob part and then it turns into a hot mess (even with spanx and other extreme corrective measures) as you progress downwards.
I felt like the stylist in this fix (a different one from the first) really didn’t study my style profile at. all. And while she put some “cute” items in my bag – they were TOTALLY off the mark for me. Key words, “for me.” Like I said, this fix could’ve been perfect for you.
Fix #3: The “This Could Work” Third Date
By the time I got this fix, I was just so over StitchFix. Everyone kept telling me “That’s why I cancelled with them, they just couldn’t match me” or “Are you going to give them another try?” When I say I was going to give them three tries, I meant it. I’m glad I did.
So what changed so much between #2 and #3 in the interim? Well, I didn’t really change a whole lot – BUT the little I did change might have explained why my third fix was a whopping success.
I noticed that I had indicated “Homemaker” in my style profile for Fixes 1 & 2. Technically, I am a homemaker. But I’m also a professional freelance makeup artist, beauty+lifestyle blogger, business owner, and a military reservist. The latter option doesn’t exist in their drop down menu and I want to stay as humble as possible. However, I changed my profession to being in the “fashion industry” or something like that. Lol. Well, if you saw my video you saw that my stylist Jill – rocked it.
I kept everything in the entire box. I loved everything picked for me. I don’t feel like I need to explain myself here. It was a home run. I’ve already worn everything in the fix at least once, if not twice. I didn’t wince or shudder at the prices or really even pay attention to them for that matter (and by the way, they were priced appropriately – understanding that yes, they are marked up).
StitchFix noticed and asked me if I wanted to keep my same stylist (I had never received that email before). Of course I want to keep her. Jill, are you out there?!
Items In Stitch Fix Maternity #3:
Franco Sarto
Navy Harlan Colorblock D’Orsay Flats $89
Loveappella Maternity
White/Blue Callahan Lace Shoulder Knit Top $54
Full Moon
Olive Isha Tie Neck Maternity Top $54
Black & White Polka Dots Carleene Knit Maternity Dress $68
Black Kiley Maternity Ankle Zip Legging $58
Merchandise Total: $323
Buy 5 Discount: -$80.75
Styling Fee Credit: $20
Total: $222.25
Check out the video for fix 3 below:
My StitchFix #4
It’s hard to follow up my StitchFix 3! I knew that my hopes were high… this StitchFix 4 was honestly more of what I expected of my first fix. All of the pieces met my criteria (materials, preferences, etc.) but just didn’t wow me. Now they weren’t bad. There wasn’t anything that I thought was SO out of my lane (maybe the ruffle shirt) but I’m starting to get bored with the brands I’m receiving. I haven’t received one familiar (pre-StitchFix) brand name and while I know not everything is about brand names, it’d be nice to see some familiar “faces.”
I’m also getting a bit suspicious/frustrated that I cannot purchase any of these items online on my own. Not necessarily because I would but mostly to just see where to buy the brands… They seem owned by StitchFix. Weird. Check out my unboxing/reveal with try-on pictures on my video here:
Fix 4 Items:
Market & Spruce
Albany Ruffle Front Maternity Knit Top (Blue) -$48
Returned. Style/Color isn’t really me but the material was really soft.
Taylor Maternity Cuffed Denim Short – $58
Returned. Mostly returned because of my jean snobness but also because I’ve seen shorts like this at Target for half the price. These shorts don’t really match my Pinterest Stitch Fix style page it was worth a try!
Market & Spruce
Mal Lace Inset Cardigan – $58
Return. Pretty but not worth the $ in my opinion. Champagne washes me out a bit and doesn’t go with a lot of my wardrobe. It wasn’t bad, I just didn’t love it.
Market & Spruce
Madrella Slouchy Boyfriend Knit Tank – $38
Returned. I maybe would’ve considered keeping this if it were in the $15-$20 range but there was just nothing special about it, especially at the price point. Because there was no rouching on the sides, the bottom of the shirt awkwardly “hung” over the belly.
Loveappella Maternity
Nadene Maternity Printed Maxi Skirt – $58
Kept! If you’ve been following my StitchFix journey, I’m sure you’re familiar with Loveappella by now. I have three Loveappella items, all courtesy of StitchFix. The colors are just so versatile and this skirt takes a plain A-line shirt or boyfriend-tee to the next level. Add a pretty pendant necklace and bam! You have yourself an outfit that transitions nicely from kiddo’s b-day party to date night. This will also be a great post-partum piece!
My StitchFix #5
A ll in all, I’m happy with the fix. I returned the items because they didn’t fit or work with my body shape. Not because I didn’t like them stylistically.
This will probably be the last fix in which I request maternity clothes. My sixth fix will be focused on postpartum clothes — so loose fitting, flowy, elastic banded types of items. I do believe you can be a fashionable new mama; you just have to will yourself to do it.
As always, I’ve included a video with side-by-side pictures and me wearing the items!
Item 1: Miz Mooz Tahira Ankle-Strap Sandals $98
Super cute sandals, would’ve never picked them out for myself but a) I can’t easily bend down to fasten them… and b) they were too big.
Item 2: Pixley Ashton Crochet Lace Kimono $48
This is a versatile ivory/cream color that pairs with the Bobeau item wonderfully. It’s also a great coverup for maxi dresses, camis, and tanks. Although I felt it was a little pricey for the quality and feel – I believe I will get enough use out of it to make it worth the price.
Item 3: Eden Society Elodie Maternity Short $58
Shorts are hard on me! These just weren’t flattering at all. They weren’t terrible but I didn’t feel like a million bucks in it. I definitely didn’t feel like I would get my money’s worth of up until my due date. They were just average and the long black belly band on them made them a bit much. The style was cute though and in line with my Pinterest page.
Item 4: Bobeau Angelea Split Neck Blouse $54
Already wore with the Pixley Kimnono and received tons of compliments. My only gripe on this shirt is that it is a bit boxy, not tapered in at all. So I would not recommend as a wear alone blouse. It def needs either a skinny belt or the cover-up (like the Pixley) or something to give it some shape. Postpartum, I may get it taken in a little bit but I’m not in a rush right now. This is a great blouse for tucking into a cute high waisted pencil skirt! Glad this isn’t a maternity top!
Item 5: Stitch Fix 3-Pack Maternity Camis $44
I actually didn’t realize they were maternity camis until I wrote this blog! I will def wear them postpartum and they will remain in my wardrobe as long as they hold up. At $15, they better hold up because I know I can get near identical camis at Target or Costco or Old Navy for half the price. Either way, they are super soft and comfortable. They will make great post-baby camis too. Only downside is that there’s no built in bra – and for us smaller chested gals who can get away with wearing these types of shirts sans bra and people losing their appetite, it was a little con.
Fix #6 — Last Fix Before Baby!
This was my last fix before baby makes her debut! In order to combat the postpartum can’t-fit-into-my-normal-clothes-but-maternity-clothes-are-too-big blue, I asked Jill to fix me up with some loose cardigans (that can double as nursing covers), elastic banded maxi skits, and cams that I can easily pull up/down to nurse. I have switched over to a quarterly subscription — that’ll give me and my body enough time to know what I need. I’ll make sure to keep you posted, but in a new thread, since I will no longer be receiving maternity clothes.
Check out my Fix w/ try-on pics below!
Items Included in Fix (Not In Order):
Item 1: Staccato Raelene Striped Draped Front Cardigan – $48
It’s light. It’s loose. It’s slimming. And it is a perfect transition from summer to fall piece that I can layer up. Plus the gray and white colors are versatile with my wardrobe.
Item 2: Market & Spruce Char Geo Print Maxi Skirt – $58
So in the video, I was torn. Ultimately, I decided to keep it because I know how I will need a nice stretchy skirt to grow down into. I can pair it with black & white tanks, coral jewelry, and it’s an easy day-to-night piece.
Item 3: Daniel Rainn Narline Button Down Maternity Blouse – $68
Sadly, Returned.
This was SUCH a beautiful top — but with < 1 month to go before baby’s arrival, I just can’t justify the cost of the maternity blouse + the short time postpartum it’ll look good. If I knew we were planning on having more kiddos, then I probably would’ve kept it but it just will look “tent-y” a few months postpartum. I could wear a skinny belt with it, sure, but that’s not 100% my style and wearing a belt around my natural waist isn’t comfortable.
Item 4: Moon and Sky Behn Crochet Detail Knit Top – $48
The color was pretty bold and not a piece that would mix in well with my wardrobe. If it were half the price, I probably would’ve kept it but it was not worth almost $50. It did look cute & I didn’t return it because I didn’t like it. I returned it because I wouldn’t wear it enough to justify the price.
Item 5: Skies are Blue Leanna Mixed Material Cardigan – $64
As you saw in my video, this cardigan is so cute in concept — so poor in execution. Had it been a full crochet cardigan, especially in a darker color…I could’ve pair with a nice maxi/cami dress. The bandana pattern actually cheapened the look (like I said in the video, Anthro on top, Target in back).
Ongoing/Closing Thoughts
I do not expect for every box to be a home run. That’s like, impossible!! What if I loved something in the fix it but it didn’t fit right or at all? Or what if I loved it but it was way outside my budget? I mean, for everything to be at the right price and fit perfectly was truly awesome – and yes, Jill referenced my Pinterest page for nearly every single item, which I really appreciated.
So I’m glad I gave them three chances and didn’t just quit. I feel like StitchFix and I are at a place where they are finally peeling the onion and getting to know me. The second fix was better than the first fix and obviously; they cared enough to make sure the third fix would be amazing. We’ll see! I’ll be posting my fourth fix and try-on once I get it – make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get a little notification when that bad boy gets uploaded if you can’t wait.
As a makeup artist, the more times I do the same person’s makeup, the better, and better their makeup applications get (and quicker too Unfortunately people don’t hire makeup artists like they do hairstylists even though, I think everyone should have a makeup artist.) Of course I have my close girlfriends whose makeup I’ve been doing for years (long before Setareh Beauty was born). I know their skin. What works for them and what won’t. What colors and brands would look great and which ones wouldn’t. Sometimes I’m wrong but most of the time I’m not.
Meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships take time – this is advice that far transcends this post. I like to think that companies like StitchFix are in the business of ultimately wanting to make their customers happy. And I am in a happy place right now – eagerly awaiting my next fix.
Closing Thoughts On StitchFix Maternity
I am really, really glad I gave StitchFix a try — and really glad they came through after the 2nd box. I didn’t have to go maternity clothes shopping, which reduced a huge burden on me as shopping with a toddler in tow is no bueno. Plus, we live in Augusta so there is slim maternity pickings. I have received loads of compliments on my SF items.
If you are interested in trying StitchFix and you have enjoyed my journey, I’d love it if you could use my referral link. By using my link, I will get a credit to my account on future Fix purchases. Try out SF using the link here.
Do you have an experience you’d like to share with StitchFix? Comment below or email me at setarehbeauty@gmail.com I’d love to hear from you!