As you know, I am a makeup artist and makeup coach, always looking for ways to help anyone who wants to learn how to wear makeup and wear makeup well. I launched my first makeup workshop in September 2016. The Makeup Reset: Back to Basics was a way for me to test the waters and see whether I could effectively run a meaningful workshop that would be affordable but also, valuable.
I learned a lot from this workshop and afterward, I really honed in on what worked and what didn’t. I knew I wanted to host another workshop but as with anything, the logistics involved always seemed to prove difficult and timing just never seemed right. The one thing that I noticed during the first workshop is that it become very social. It wasn’t just about learning how to wear makeup, but also learning how to wear makeup with friends and new friends, fellow attendees, and of course myself. I knew I wanted to offer a makeup experience but wasn’t quite sure how to do this alone.
Maggie Cubbler, Photo by Wynning Photography
That’s where Maggie comes in.
Maggie is an accredited beer sommelier, founder of Unfiltered Journeys, and a good friend. The two of us meet regularly for coffee and to catch up on small business owner life, mom life, and life in general. We kept complaining to one another that we needed a night out every once in awhile. We also both were figuring out creative ways to serve our respective audiences and followings.
We both started talking about how crazy it would be to have a ladies night out, where I would teach a makeup technique and she would serve some delicious beer, rather than the typical champagne, fizzy fluted drink, or of course, wine. We both thought this was kind of a crazy idea and that nobody would come. That didn’t stop us though. In the end, we thought that even if it was just the two of us and maybe 1-2 of our close friends it’d be a success!
Photo by Wynning Photography
To us, it didn’t matter how many people came, because we’d be hosting something that we ourselves would want to go to and it was something we’d never seen before. 3-2-1, SOLD! We made a graphic, put it out there into the world, and BAM! The response was overwhelming! We sold 15 seats in less than two months. We stomped our original goal by more than seven times!
We knew we needed someplace fabulous to host a workshop as cool as this. We also needed the space to be large enough to host 15 ladies (plus tables) as well as plenty of space for my makeup. However, we still wanted it to feel intimate so everyone would be comfortable and relaxed.
I was fortunate to have worked with the amazing Dr. Sheila de Liz of The Beauty Room in the past, so I asked if she’d be interested in lending her beautiful downtown space for our event. She graciously said yes and we couldn’t be more appreciative! We were so excited to welcome our guests into this perfect space to share our knowledge with them and empower them to try some new beer and beauty techniques!
Photo by Wynning Photography
Maggie Cubbler is the author of the oh-so-amazing Rhein-Main-Beer guide and she thought this workshop would be the perfect time to introduce the ladies to some legit local, and oh-so-tasty beer. After everyone arrived, Maggie spoke a little bit about what being a Beer Sommelier is all about. Then, she shared three different local beers with our guests. They were:
A clear, pale golden beer that tastes a little like tart grapes. Some people even describe it as a champagne-style beer!
This is a floral single hop beer with a light, malty flavor. Crisp and slightly bitter, it’s a great one to pair with cheese (but what beer isn’t??)
This is a spicy winter ale that is only available during winter. It’s a well balanced, super dark porter-style beer.
Photo by Wynning Photography
After the ladies enjoyed their drinks and a little welcome reception, it was time for makeup! Specifically, a smokey eye! Jaime Chapman of Begin Within volunteered to be our model for the event and I walked through the nitty gritty details of how to create an easy and effortless smokey eye in a live demonstration.
Model Jamie Chapman, Photo by Wynning Photography
After the live demo (and another fabulous beer to try), all of the attendees had time to practice their own version of a smokey eye, with my help of course. They each had their own palettes they brought in, or they were welcome to use palettes straight from my professional kit. This was probably the most fun for all of us — especially me — as I got to see all the attendees at work using the information I had provided to achieve.
All attendees had their own, personalized work stations equipped with LED lighted mirrors, a beautiful tasting card and pen (to keep), as well as all the disposable tools needed. We spent so much time planning so that they’d have absolutely everything they could possibly need.
Photo by Wynning Photography
I spent a good deal of time walking around to each person, watching their technique and giving them personalized tips based on their eye shape and their makeup preferences. After all, a smokey eye look is different on every face!
I wanted everyone to be able to go home and pull off their own personal perfect smokey eye with 100% confidence. I answered questions, shared advice, and did one-on-one demonstrations until everyone felt comfortable with the technique.
Anyone who’s been to a workshop knows that sometimes, the swag bag is the most wonderful surprise of the evening. Everyone who attended received a jam-packed goodie bag that included:
“I had an amazing time at the Bold Eye + Beer workshop! Excellent makeup coaching with beer selections from Unfiltered Journeys made a memorable evening. And I learned how to make myself look like this!”
– Robbyn Umland Hurm (pictured left)
“Thank you both for a wonderful night! It was a great time and it was nice meeting everyone. Natalie and Maggie, you ladies knocked it out of the park! Thank you so much!”
– Jaclyn Ellis Donovan
Are you sad you missed out? Visit my website to learn more about my workshops and sign up to receive exclusive updates on future events when you join my email list!
I’d like to thank Julie Wynn of Wynning Photography for documenting this workshop so beautifully. Julie is a fantastic event photographer who serves clients in the Wiesbaden / Mainz / Rhein region. To see more of her work, visit her website here.
Photo by Wynning Photography
Beauty is about perception, not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on make-up, or dress yourself, or do you hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction.
kevyn aucoin